Saturday, March 31, 2007

Crossover to Boy Scouts

Two days after the Pinewood Derby, Zachary and the rest of the boys in his Webelos II den were recognized for earning their Arrow of Light. This is the highest award for Cub Scouts and symbolizes the culmination of nearly five years of Cub Scouting. The Arrow of Light ceremony for the Stuttgart area scouts was combined with the Crossover ceremony, where the scouts officially become Boy Scouts and begin the next journey in scouting.

These first two photos are of Zachary’s last moments as a Cub Scout. He was glad to finally take off his red vest with all his activity patches for the last time. He preferred to not wear it with his uniform (it’s an optional uniform item) since he thought it was boasting to show off all his patches. I tried to convince him he should be proud of his achievements and that the vest shows that he’s enjoyed the many opportunities that scouting has allowed him. In either case, he took it, his Webelos neckerchief and Cub Scout epaulets off his uniform before literally crossing over the bridge to join the Boy Scouts on the other side.

After crossing over, he received his first Boy Scout neckerchief and corresponding epaulets, then received a certificate of achievement for earning his "Arrow of Light" and bridging to Boy Scouts. He also received an arrow, which he plans to mount and hang in his room (all we need now is hooks to add to his board).

After all the boys had crossed over, they took their first oath as Boy Scouts. He was looking forward to his inaugural Boy Scout campout, and actually hiked into the campground vice being dropped off at the site last night. I returned from a short trip to Washington, D.C., today and am looking forward to hearing about this campout experience when I pick him up in the morning. He's also looking forward to earning merit badges and working toward the Eagle rank (he’s already told me what he’s thinking of doing for his Eagle project -- now that’s planning ahead...if only he would do the same with his homework!).

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Zachary, I'm soo proud of you. I know that you will be a great Boy Scout. If you haven't finished mounting your "Arrow" by the time we get there next week, maybe you'll let me help you do it.
good job. i am now exited to cross over to boy scouts!

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