Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Last night while I was getting supper ready, Benjamin commented that he needed to wash his hands. Since he had red ink from a marker on all 10 of his fingertips, I simply watched him head down the hallway to the bathroom as I turned back to my task at hand. That was my mistake.

After supper, Zachary noticed a cup sitting on the bathroom counter full to the top with water…with his hummingbird tooth flosser completely submerged in the water. Apparently, Benjamin decided it needed cleaning, so he dunked it. Fortunately, after removing it from its watery grave, we were able to resuscitate it. Twenty-four hours later, it seems to have completely mended…much to Zachary’s relief.

When it was time for the kids to get ready for bed shortly afterward, Benjamin sat in my lap with his mouth open for me to brush his teeth. He’s still primarily using the training toothpaste that’s safe to swallow, so I began brushing. But then a strange thing happened…after only three passes, he had a plethora of foam and suds in his mouth. He pulled my hand away from his mouth, scrunched up his face and simply said, “Soap!” At first I didn’t realize what he was telling me, but after about three more passes and noticing the rabid-looking foam quickly beginning to form on all of his teeth, it hit me. The training toothpaste doesn’t foam up like regular toothpaste, so there had to be another reason for the white foam now enveloping his teeth. He had pumped clear Softsoap Antibacterial soap onto his toothbrush. The look on his face was priceless and confirmed that it didn’t taste good at all!

While he didn’t admit to submerging Zachary’s hummingbird flosser, he readily admitted to putting soap on his toothbrush (still with his face scrunched up in a knot to emphasize how horrible it tasted). After spitting the soap suds out, rinsing out his mouth and thoroughly cleaning off his toothbrush bristles, we started over and managed to not recreate the rabid dog look in his mouth.

Sorry, no photo of the rabid dog look. That would have been too cruel to make him wait while I grabbed the camera.

And I thought he was merely washing his hands since the red ink was no longer on his fingertips!


Yuck!! I guess Ben and Uncle Bubba are the two that actually got their mouth's washed out with soap!
Bet Ben doesn't put soap on his toothbrush again!
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