Thursday, June 28, 2007

MacKenzie's 9!!

MacKenzie was very excited when she woke up yesterday morning and realized it was her birthday. She’d been counting down the days, and her big day was finally here! She could barely contain herself, and wanted to open her presents before we headed out in the morning. As a compromise, I allowed her to open all the cards that had come for her in the mail.

I tried to pick her up from summer camp to take her out for lunch, but when I arrived to do so, she had just finished eating (I was told the wrong time). I still signed her out, and she watched me eat a quick lunch before we headed to Baskin Robbins for dessert.

After her Girl Scout meeting, we headed to Le Rose Italian Restaurant for dinner with another family to celebrate. She commented earlier that she wanted to go somewhere for her birthday where they come to the table and sing “Happy Birthday” to her, but that she didn’t think anywhere did that here. I certainly didn’t know of anywhere that did. Fortunately, when we called Luigi that afternoon, he agreed to bring her a slice of pie with a candle as long as we helped sing to her. That made her evening!

I knew she didn’t like tiramisu, so I opted for a slice of cheesecake with her serenade. After a few bites, she decided she didn’t care for that either (she definitely didn't inherit that from me!), so Luigi brought her a slice of apple pie! Of course, she had to move the candle over to that slice before taking a bite. By then, though, she was getting full, so she opted to braid Emma’s hair instead of finishing her dessert. I suppose that’s her prerogative as the birthday girl!

After sufficiently stuffing ourselves on delicious Italian food, she invited Emma and Evan over to watch her open her presents. Benjamin was disappointed that he didn’t get to open one, and didn’t want to hear me tell him that his big day is just around the corner. After a few short minutes, she had happily unwrapped clothes, two movies, a Crayon-styled “piggy bank,” some gel window decals, a pair of bicycle gloves and a tamagotchi. She was very excited about her gifts, and, more importantly, about finally being nine years old!

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