Monday, November 26, 2007

All Dressed Up

The local Girl Scouts had their “He and Me” dance last weekend, and MacKenzie was excited that her dad is here now so he could take her. She picked out every last detail of her clothes: the dress, the shoes, my necklace, even how she wanted her hair fixed. I think she had a wonderful ensemble and looked stunning!

Matt said she danced with a group of friends more than she danced with him, although I think he got a few dances in. He took two video clips of her dancing a type of hand-jive jig with her friends, and I chuckled watching them simultaneously use both hands to put their hair back behind their ears at the end of the routine -- several times.


Pam! She looks just beautiful! Hope you had a wonderful were in LONDON??? What a world traveler!
WOw! What a beautiful young lady. Sure sounds like she had a grand time.
What a great couple. An absolutely beautiful lady. I am so proud of you MacKenzie for picking everything out and your hair looks gorgeous.
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