Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Dear Santa

{{Someone found a copy of my letter to Santa and has been sharing it around the internet, so I figured since it’s already making its rounds I'd share it with the rest of you. By the way, if any of you have discovered the perfect location to hide while talking on the phone, please let me know...I'm sure Santa will be running low on refrigerators with secret compartments.}}

I've been a good mom all year. I've fed, cleaned and cuddled my children on demand, visited the doctor's office more than my doctor and sold 62 cases of candy bars to raise money to plant a shade tree on the school playground. I was hoping you could spread my list out over several Christmases, since I had to write this letter with my son's red crayon, on the back of a receipt in the laundry room between cycles, and who knows when I'll find any more free time in the next 18 years.

Here are my Christmas wishes:

Well, Santa, the buzzer on the dryer is calling and my son saw my feet under the laundry room door. I think he wants his crayon back. Have a safe trip and remember to leave your wet boots by the door and come in and dry off so you don’t catch cold.

Help yourself to cookies on the table, but don’t eat too many or leave crumbs on the carpet. Yours Always,

P.S. One more can cancel all my requests if you can keep my children young enough to still believe in you.


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