Monday, December 24, 2007

The Kids Are All Nestled…

The kids are all nestled, snug on the couches, with visions of catching Santa dancing in their heads. But first, a recap of our evening.

Yes, all three kids are excited about Santa’s imminent visit. We went to church tonight, and Benjamin provided unscripted entertainment to the worshipers in the back fourth of the sanctuary when he danced in the aisle as the gospel choir sang. He really had some moves!

When we returned home, MacKenzie helped finish frosting the cookies for Santa while Zachary loaded up his plate and poured a large glass of milk. MacKenzie then filled a cup of eggnog for the big guy while she and Benjamin each downed a cup themselves. They all quickly got their pajamas on, brushed their teeth and wrote letters to Santa with last-minute reminders of their wishes (nothing changed from when they talked to him a few weeks ago). They’re all wearing their new slippers/socks...their single Christmas Eve gifts to whet their appetites for Christmas morning (not that it will take much to get them excited about being allowed to tear into the gifts under the tree and tucked away in their stockings!).

Benjamin worked diligently to write his letter himself! I was very impressed!

Zachary even had time to check Santa’s progress on the NORAD site here. When they realized he was in Europe, they kicked it into high gear getting ready for bed!

Zachary had the initial idea of sleeping in the living room in hopes of catching Santa in the act of delivering gifts, and MacKenzie quickly joined the bandwagon. They didn’t talk it up too much in front of Benjamin since I hadn’t granted permission yet. When they came up with a plan for all of them to sleep out there without fighting over which two of them got the couches, it was difficult for me to say “no.”

So here they are. Zachary made a bed out of two large floor pillows and a fleece blanket.

MacKenzie has her camera on the floor next to her makeshift bed so she can quickly snap a photo when he appears.

Benjamin was trying so hard to quickly fall asleep, yet was the last one to succumb...after two extra bathroom trips (which is especially surprising since he skipped his nap two days in a row!).

I just checked the NORAD site, and it looks like Santa has already been to Berlin and flew over Neuschwanstein Castle, so I suppose I need to crawl into bed myself so he can stop here.

Frohe Weihnachten!

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