Saturday, December 22, 2007

The Reason for the Season

Last Sunday, the Children’s Church led the service with “A Mouse’s Tale” Christmas Pageant. All three Cook kids were in the pageant, and Zachary & MacKenzie even had lines in the scripture choir.

Benjamin wasn’t too sure about participating, although he did like his costume -- he was a shepherd boy. I tried all I could to convince him, if nothing else, to stand up front with everyone else. He finally seemed to agree, and waited in the back with Zachary. However, when the shepherds had their grand entrance, he led the way...looking for me. When he found me, he quickly climbed into the pew beside me and let the rest of the shepherds continue their entrance (Zachary included).

The angels weren’t far behind the shepherds, all wearing wonderful white wings and silver or gold halos that they made themselves.

After a short while, I convinced Benjamin to join Zachary onstage. Unfortunately, since Zachary was one of the taller kids onstage, he was in the back...which meant we couldn’t see Benjamin until they sat down between songs. This is the only photo I have of both boys together during the pageant.

The pageant told the story of Jesus’ birth from the perspective of the animals who were in the manger that night. Between narration scenes, the kids led the congregation singing several traditional Christmas hymns. MacKenzie was one of the taller angels, so she was toward the back of the angel chorus.

Benjamin stayed with Zachary for a few songs, but no one could see him when they stood up to sing.

After a while, Benjamin decided he had participated enough, and came back down to sit by me. Apparently, he timed his grand exit perfectly since he claimed the rock/rap-style version of “Joy to the World” scared him. He’s hiding his ears under my arm here since it was too loud for his taste!

When that song was over, he decided to help me with the cameras. He took over the camcorder for a while, then snagged my camera as well. He reminded me of how MacKenzie tried stealing my camera during my cousin Hannah’s wedding when she was 4. I suppose they both come by it rightfully!

After everyone took their bows and the kids received candy cane rewards, I managed to get all three of them together -- in costume -- before they disrobed and ran off. Benjamin liked his costume so much, he wanted to keep it and bring home. However, he didn’t wear it at all when we had it at home, so I’m not sure why he was so intrigued with it.

(Yes, MacKenzie snuck out of the house with sneakers on instead of her nice black church shoes. Can you guess what she’s more comfortable wearing?)

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