Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Kid Quote -- "A Seed?"

I apologize for my long lapse in updating the blog...things just seem to be crazier and crazier around here. On top of that, I’m going through a very busy period at work, and won’t have time to devote to much else for at least another week or two. But...I just had to share this quote from Benjamin last night.

It all started with Benjamin’s eye becoming horribly swollen around midday (side note: It’s from allergic conjunctivitis -- not pink eye, which is apparently going around. Yes, he has prescription meds to treat it now -- all is under control and looking much better). I gave him some Children’s Benadryl before bed to try to bring the swelling down until we could get him to the pediatrician today, and he took it like a pro. He’s used to taking vitamins, and sees Zachary, MacKenzie and me taking our vitamins as well -- including Vitamin C.

After he swallowed his dissolving tablet, he ran over to me, pulled me down by my arm so he could whisper in my ear and quietly asked,

“Did you give me a vitamin seed?”

He had a grin from ear-to-ear, thinking he had finally graduated to taking the {apparently, in his eyes} special “Vitamin C” and not simply his Nickelodeon character vitamins. Too cute! Oh the innocence of a four-year-old!

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