Monday, September 01, 2008

Loads of Fun at Lewes Beach

While we were in Delaware, we made a trek down to Lewes Beach for a day. The waves are very mild there, which makes it nice for the kids. Benjamin enjoyed playing in the water with Papa. They stayed out there quite a while -- but they both seemed to have loads of fun.

MacKenzie started out by doing her usual thing -- digging in the sand. Zachary was a willing participant to be buried in the sand. What a good sport!

Nana had a good seat to watch all the action -- under the beach umbrella guarding the gear. Well, she didn’t really have to guard much, but it certainly was nice to sit there with her and watch the kids.

Benjamin associates the beach with mudballs, and insisted that we make some for this trip. He sat down several times to snack on the peanut butter creations.

Benjamin felt like he had to constantly hold onto someone’s hand when he was in the water (yes, he was being very safe), so when Papa tried helping MacKenzie float on her back Zachary took over Benjamin-watch duties.

MacKenzie finally seemed to the hang of floating on her back. The salt water certainly helped.

After taking turns with Benjamin and MacKenzie, Papa really looked tired out. I think he sat out the rest of the afternoon!

What fun to let the waves break on you! As you can see, the waves are very mild -- MacKenzie is sitting in the water. Very few waves broke much further out.

Benjamin saw how the waves were helping my feet sink into the sand at the water’s edge, and wanted his feet to be buried the same way. However, I think gravity helped pull my feet into the sand much more than it did his.

Another mudball break -- this time with a towel wrapped around him since it was starting to cool off.

Benjamin decided he wanted to be buried. Last year, he only let us bury his legs, but this year he felt comfortable enough to be covered up to his chest. I think Papa had as much fun playing in the sand as Benjamin enjoyed watching his body disappear under the sand.

Just his head sticking out!

“Oh -- I found my hands! Cool, they’re not attached to anything!”

He had fun slowly digging himself out of the sand.

Benjamin wasn’t sure what to think of the visitor who came and checked him out. Every now and then the birds would search for food on the beach (this time, they found the few goldfish crackers that one of the kids had spilled earlier). Benjamin remained calm and collected until the flock left the area.

After I told Benjamin how much fun I’d had as a kid jumping over waves at the beach, he had to give it a try. Of course, he could jump higher with my help.

We kept saying that we needed to leave before it got too late, but everyone was having so much fun that we stayed until late afternoon. By then, there was no way the kids were going to allow me to get away without a dip in the (COLD) water.

Another stall technique to keep from leaving the beach -- MacKenzie wanted a turn being buried. At least Zachary and Papa made quick work of it.

Calm and relaxed, buried in the sand. A wonderful day at the beach!

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