Thursday, December 04, 2008

The Season’s First Snow

The Saturday after Zachary’s birthday (coincidentally, the day of his birthday party), we had our first snowfall of the year. It really wasn’t much...just enough to dust everything with white. This is a view of our side yard and a walkway from MacKenzie’s window. Fortunately, the snow didn’t last, and the roads were clear well before we headed out for Zachary’s party.

The next day, we woke up to more of the same, although it didn’t disappear as quickly as the previous day. But it did come back that evening. Nana and Papa flew in that day, so we were all crossing our fingers that it didn’t delay or divert their flight (it didn’t). MacKenzie and Benjamin decided they wanted to catch snowflakes on their tongues as we walked to the terminal to meet Nana and Papa. MacKenzie said they tasted good.

We had a good coating that night, and we had a dusting yesterday morning that wreaked havoc on the roads and busses further out (but not in our village and our route to the base). So while we haven’t had any real snow yet, I’m sure more true winter weather is in store for us.

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