Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Teenage Party Time

First, let me start off by saying, I DO NOT feel old enough to have a teenage son!

But, alas, I actually do have a teenage son. Oh my, where has the time gone!?!! It seems like only yesterday when Zachary came into this world, quivering lower lip and all (it was so cute to watch him cry his first cries, and yes, his bottom lip really did quiver).

Zachary decided he wanted to see “Madagascar 2 -- Return to Africa” with a few friends to celebrate. So, he invited them to join us for pizza for a late lunch on base before walking across the street to the theater. It worked out well since it allowed the boys time to eat their pizza and cupcakes and open presents before trekking outside. MacKenzie felt a little out of place being the only girl (besides me) there. She and I decided that boys can act weird at times -- but I suppose that’s what 12- and 13-year-old boys do best.

Benjamin isn’t smiling in the photo above because, despite my many explanations, he still wanted one large and one small cupcake. We only made six large cupcakes (five for Zachary and his friends), which meant he and MacKenzie would have to decide who had the last large one and who had two smaller ones. Benjamin quickly selected a small cupcake after his first slice of pizza, so that meant the last large one was MacKenzie’s. When Benjamin finished his second slice of pizza, he felt certain that he’d have the last large cupcake for him, so he wasn’t pleased when MacKenzie (rightly so) ate it. It didn’t bother me that he opted not to have his second one -- not one bit. Oh well, his loss.

This is a good photo of Zachary and Anthony. It can’t get much better than this -- eating a chocolate cupcake while watching your friend play his GameBoy.

The kids were all well-behaved and enjoyed the movie. Zachary and his friends sat a few rows in front of MacKenzie, Benjamin and me, so they enjoyed that bit of “freedom.”

And, here’s a bonus photos...of my boys after Zachary opened his family presents on his birthday. Yup, they’re both content -- Zachary playing a new game on his Nintendo DS, and Benjamin watching. They are both very content!

I still can’t believe Zachary’s 13 though! Fortunately, I really like the young man he’s growing into. Hopefully he keeps his big heart and helpful spirit while keeping the “teenage attitude monster” at bay. Hey, I can hope, can’t I?

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Happy Birthday, Zachary!!! It seems like yesterday we were playing Battleship. Where did the time go? I agree with your mom, you are turning out to be one great guy!!
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