Monday, January 19, 2009

He’s Growing Up!

Benjamin has quite a range of thoughts as to what’s “healthy” for lunch. So today, he first asked for eggnog (we’re on our last carton). Then he asked for ice cream. Finally, he went into the kitchen and pulled two cans of fruit cocktail out of the pantry. “Great idea,” I thought. Then I noticed he was going after a can of boiled peanuts that was behind the fruit cocktail. A kid after my own heart! He actually opened a few peanuts himself, although he quickly allowed me to help. And to think this kid would only eat a handful of boiled peanuts just last summer on the farm. More proof that he’s really growing up.

Second round of proof he’s growing up...
Last week, the night before his dental exam, I noticed a gap between his front two bottom teeth. Upon further examination, we discovered he has a loose tooth. Egads! Zachary lost his first tooth just before he turned 7 (the night before his first day of First Grade), and MacKenzie was also in First Grade when she lost her first tooth, so I was totally not expecting this from Benjamin yet!

Third round of proof he’s growing up...
We drove past a police car the other night with its lights on, so we began discussing the different color lights that emergency vehicles use. I explained that police cars are the only ones with blue lights, then Benjamin proclaimed that fire trucks also have blue lights because firemen were also policemen but they just couldn’t arrest people. No matter how I reworded my statement about the blue lights, he was adamant that fire engines had blue flashing lights. To emphasize his point, he proclaimed, “I said what I meant, and I meant what I said.” Wonder where he got that from? (Well, I know where he got it from, but I honestly don’t say it that often…he’s just very observant!)

Yup, my baby’s growing up!

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