Monday, February 23, 2009

Finally Lost It!

OK, my prediction that it would be more than a week before MacKenzie’s loose tooth came out was technically correct -- three months is more than a week. Nonetheless, her loose tooth FINALLY came out last Tuesday evening. To hear her tell it, I YANKED it from her mouth when she didn’t want me to (it needed to come out, so I couldn’t leave it be).

She found the little pillow that I once used to leave my pearly-whites for the tooth fairy (the tooth goes inside the blue pocket), and opted to use that instead of our traditional pewter hippo. She was disappointed that the tooth fairy only left her 50-cents (the going rate in the Cook household for a non-dentist-pulled-tooth) -- especially after leaving a note requesting $5 to $10 for the tooth! I suppose she’ll give the tooth fairy an earful if she ever catches her!

And one last note: Today is the third anniversary of this blog. A lot has happened in the past three years, and I think this has been a great way to keep everyone informed on what we’ve been up to. I promise, I’m working on travel updates, and hope to have some posted soon.


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