Saturday, February 21, 2009

Meal, Ready to Eat

Zachary went camping last weekend, and endured hiking and sleeping in the snow. Just the thought makes me cold...brrrrrrr. But, in true Boy Scout fashion, he was prepared, complete with his new 10-degree sleeping bag and warm layers of clothes. When he returned home Sunday afternoon, he pulled out two MRE’s -- military “Meals, Ready to Eat” -- trying to decide which to have for lunch. I have a few extras around the house, but he’s never shown an interest in trying one, so I was surprised at his response. Fortunately, he had the NEW MRE’s -- the ones that you can heat up with just a little water. He soon decided on #19 -- Beef with Mushrooms -- and went to work heating it up. Of course, he didn’t eat the entire meal (that would have been waaaay too many calories), but he did eat the rice pilaf and crackers (sans strawberry jam). He didn’t finish the rice pilaf -- he said he didn’t like it. It must have taken him a while to come to that conclusion, though, since he ate most of it.

However, he didn’t have the true MRE experience since he opted to pour everything onto a plate to eat. No plastic spoon scooping the food out of the thick, brown plastic bags. Maybe on the next campout.

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