Saturday, May 23, 2009

And She’s Off!

MacKenzie left yesterday morning for a campout with her Girl Scout Troop to the Girl Scout Chalet in Switzerland. I am so jealous! I was her leader for two years, but wasn’t able to coordinate a trip for her previous troops to go there. But, I’m also excited for her to have this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I even let her skip school Friday to go.

She was very nervous about being away from me for so long. I’ve gone TDY enough times that I’d think she’d get used to short breaks away from me, but apparently she didn’t think so. I actually think she’ll do fine once she gets busy with their scouting activities. But just in case, I also wrote four notes for her to find and read while she’s away (one per day). She's almost at the half way point now, and hasn’t made any phone calls home yet. I love how Benjamin decorated her lunch bag for the drive yesterday. Think he’s missing her? And no, despite his reminder on her lunch bag, she didn’t take any beads with her for the trip.

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