Saturday, May 16, 2009

Troop 156 Court of Honor

Zachary is really doing well in Boy Scouts. He’s embraced being the troop scribe, and has made awesome progress on earning merit badges. It’s been more than a year since his last Court of Honor (he missed the beginning-of-the-school-year one since we had just moved here and hadn’t settled on a troop yet), so he was presented with quite a few honors this time -- including merit badges he earned with his last troop. I’m going to brag on him, because I CAN (that’s a mom’s prerogative!) -- although I can hear him telling me that he doesn’t like boasting (hence why I’M doing it). Anyway, he was presented with ten merit badges: Railroading (thanks to Uncle Sam for taking him to the Rice Yard and showing him around!), Rifle Shooting, Snow Sports, Personal Management, Personal Fitness, Family Life, Canoeing, Swimming, Citizenship in the Nation and Photography. Five of those are Eagle-required badges. He was also recognized for volunteering at the annual Ramstein Welfare Bazaar and for earning his God and Church Religious Award. Whew! That’s quite a few accomplishments. Yeah!

Then, to top things off, he earned his Star Scout rank last week. He’s already well on his way toward earning Life Scout (he has more than enough merit badges and is already working on the other requirements). After Life Scout comes Eagle Scout. Wow! He’s still bound and determined to make Eagle before he turns 16 (the Boy Scout age limit is before his 18th birthday). I have no reason to doubt that he’s capable of doing so!

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Way to go, Zachary. We are very proud of you.
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