Monday, May 18, 2009

That’s a Lot of Words!

Benjamin’s reading ability has really blossomed the past few months, and he sometimes amazes me with what he can read. He’ll read notes Zachary leaves me on the table. He’ll read the dialogue on one of his Wii games. He’ll read notes home from his teacher. He absolutely loves to read.

Nothing seems to intimidate him. A few weekends ago, he sat down for breakfast with Dr. Seuss’ classic book, “Green Eggs and Ham.” I don’t think he actually ate anything while he concentrated on the book, although he did stop after every few pages to take a sip or two of strawberry milk.

He read every last word on every last page ... completely on his own. What a trooper. As he closed the book after reading the last sentence, he sighed and commented, “Whew, that’s a lot of words!” I’m so glad he seems to love reading!

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