Friday, October 23, 2009

South Georgia Family

I love getting together with my family in South Georgia and catching up on what we’ve all been up to since our last get-together. As you can see here, Zachary’s been “up” to quite a bit. Lealane wasn’t thrilled that he grew five inches since last summer and is now almost as tall as her.

Owen’s really grown since I saw him last. There’s a big difference between 4 months and 16 months. This photo was taken before he lost all his curls at his first haircut.

Olivia and Ava stuck together quite a bit … and were just about everywhere! Boy, to have that much energy again!

Beautiful Claire was trying on some beads, and watching the older girls.

What fun to be on the trampoline -- and what a great way to burn off some energy!

I was proud of my kiddos for waiting until the younger kids were done on the trampoline before they went wild on it.

They seemed to enjoy watching to see how high I could jump. What a workout!

Lealane (& Owen) and Hannah (& Claire) opted for a slower-pace outdoor activity, while Olivia reached for the bar.

Benjamin didn’t want his photo taken, but Ava gladly posed with Zachary and MacKenzie.

Zachary pretended to be hurt, and Ava played along -- trying to help him feel better so he could get up again.

Then the fun moved back inside. Benjamin and Sam tried squishing Zachary.

Then the little kids attacked Sam. Benjamin was relentless, and Ava was right there alongside them. Claire and Owen weren’t quite sure what to think.

Fortunately, Claire found a comfy spot with Quincy to watch the action from a safe distance.

Hannah, Lealane and Aunt Gail found a relatively quiet spot away from the action.

What a wonderful man -- Uncle Sam really enjoys having his family all together (although my cousin Cassie was missing this year, as well as my brother David and his family).

Ava convinced Zachary to pretend to be Prince Charming and to dance with her. He loved it, although he won’t admit it!

You can definitely tell that Claire and Benjamin had fun with Sam!

I’m so glad we got to visit with Granny Walker several times during our short visit. It does my heart good to see her. I hope I look that great when I’m 89 years old!!

MacKenzie loves her Papa!

And Zachary loves his Nana!

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I'm still upset about Zach being taller than me. That picture is just salt in the wound.
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