Saturday, April 22, 2006


The Easter Bunny visited us, and left goodies on Easter morning--books, movies and chocolates (of course!). The kids were excited, and all dove into their chocolate before attempting breakfast. Surprisingly, Benjamin only took one bite out of his chocolate bunny and set the rest aside.

After church, we had to snap a few photos of Nana & Papa with their three oldest grandkids. Benjamin was a bit uncertain about sitting in either of their laps to pose though. The kids have really enjoyed having Nana and Papa visit, and knew they were going to miss them when they left the next day. Even Benjamin’s been asking why they had to go home. While we would have loved to have kept them longer, I know Dad’s been antsy to start moving into their almost-complete new home.

We didn’t do our Easter Egg hunts until after supper, but the kids still had fun. It was a great incentive to get them into their pajamas and ready for bed relatively quickly! Ah, the power of bribery!! After the egg hunts, it was funny to watch them wheel-and-deal to get their favorite color eggs back into their baskets. MacKenzie ended up with all the pink and purple eggs (and a lot of yellow since Benjamin noticed that she had a “special” yellow egg, so he gave her all of his yellows as well). Zachary naturally gathered all the blues. And, yes, even Benjamin has a favorite color: green (which also works well with his new green "frog"--or as he calls them "hop"--pajamas...his favorite animals are frogs and dogs). By default he also had most of the orange eggs as well. The speckled and striped eggs were fairly evenly distributed among the three of them. At least they were civil about their bartering…and Benjamin was rather gracious in giving eggs to Zachary and MacKenzie--what a kind-hearted kid!

P.S. Happy 38th Anniversary Nana & Papa!!

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