Monday, May 29, 2006

Gradual update #4 -- Zachary’s Hard Drive

When we first arrived in Germany and tried to get our computer connected, we discovered that our hard drive had crashed. After getting a new one, Zachary decided he wanted to see how one works, so he took the old one apart...and put it back together again…twice. He definitely has a computer-savvy mind. About two months ago, he managed to bring an old computer home with him from SAS (his after-school program) to rebuild. They had just received new ones and were getting rid of all their old ones, so he jumped at the chance. Now he just needs to research to find out what parts he needs/wants to fix this one up. My brother also has the computer-building bug, so they're comparing notes. Zachary even has an online wish list with a supplier of computer parts (that he updates weekend mornings when he awakes before me). Hopefully his newfound hobby doesn’t eat too much out of my checkbook…


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