Friday, June 02, 2006

Gradual update #5 -- New Glasses

At a school vision screening in the fall, we discovered that MacKenzie was having difficulty reading. So, we took her in for a more thorough evaluation and discovered that she’s far-sighted and needs glasses. She had a difficult decision between a pink pair and a purple pair (I vetoed the strange-looking red pair she initially selected), and eventually settled on purple. However, when we picked them up, she noticed that they have tiny (miniscule) cars on the sides of the frame that we didn’t notice when we selected them, so now she says they’re “baby glasses” and doesn’t like them. Thankfully, they look good on her and she only needs them to read and do classwork, so she’s glad she doesn’t have to wear them all the time. Now, if only she’d remember to wear them without reminders from me and her teacher…and remember to bring them home on weekends and when she has homework!


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