Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Farm Getaway: Boiled Peanuts

The absolutely best food in the world is fresh boiled peanuts. I remember nearly every summer, when we visited my grandparents' farm, heading out to the field to pick peanuts for that evening’s supper. It was dirty work, and it could get hot out there, but the reward was well worth it!This summer, Uncle Sam introduced MacKenzie to the art of picking peanuts. It was a little early to get the really good, big ones, but they picked enough to cook up for a delicious supper. MacKenzie didn’t mind picking them either, especially since she knew what the reward was going to be.

She especially enjoyed getting wet when helping wash the dirt off them with her Nana and Uncle Sam. There really isn’t much that’s more fun that getting dirty and wet on the farm (while barefoot), and knowing you get a delicious southern delicacy for supper--as many boiled peanuts as you can eat.What makes them really good is that you don’t even have to make it to the table to eat is evident by David and Zachary eating them right out of the pot!

They also make a good afternoon snack…or before-bedtime nibble. Zachary and MacKenzie have really learned how to crack into them to get to the delectable treat inside! Even Benjamin is getting the hang of eating them, although he needs help breaking into the shells to get the delicacy within.

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