Monday, October 16, 2006

Farm Getaway: Babies

It’s always nice to get together to visit with my family on the farm. Now that everyone’s grown and mostly on our own, it’s great to get together with the new generation--the babies. My babies aren’t really babies any more, but my brother’s daughter Rachel is...and my cousin Hannah’s daughter Ava is as well. Lealane’s daughter Olivia hadn’t made her debut yet, but next summer's visit will include that added bonus.

Rachel loved cuddling with her Papa, and even helped shade herself from the sun while snuggling onto his shoulder.

David has a patented “baby-hold.” Rachel seems to fit right into his arm. This hold also frees his other arm to accomplish other tasks. No one else has mastered this hold like he has, and Rachel sure seems to like it--she can see the world and spend time with her Daddy!
Kelly enjoyed some quiet time with his daughter Ava--only 2.5-months-old then.
Benjamin absolutely adores his Papa, and has him wrapped around his little finger! But Papa doesn’t mind one iota!
Rachel was being stubborn and not ready to go down for her nap quite yet. Sooo, David had to take her for a walk in her stroller to try to help her along. She was really stubborn this day, and it took a while!
Rachel gave huge grins to Great-Granny Walker. I’m not sure who had more fun playing this game because they both seemed to really enjoy it.
Rachel was so easy to cuddle with, but Benjamin became a bit possessive of me when I held her. He had to be right in the action as well...and wouldn’t allow me to leave him out!
After MacKenzie and Benjamin opened their birthday presents from Uncle Sam and Aunt Gail, Rachel discovered the discarded tissue paper...and had a blast playing with it. The cheapest toys really are the most fun! Especially when Aunt Gail joins the fun by making silly faces at her grand-niece!

Ava was in a very smiley mood, and oh what a beautiful smile!

Benjamin decided he wanted to see if he could fit in the toy bucket...and he did. He tickled himself when he managed to do so, and we all got tickled at him.
And, while she hadn't made her much-anticipated debut before our visit, here's a bonus photo of Olivia, who is officially a week old today. Granny Walker visited her the day after she was born--what a cute yawn...and blonde hair.

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