Thursday, October 12, 2006

Farm Getaway: Quarno Family Visit

When we were in Blackshear, my dad’s family decided to jump on the opportunity to drive up from Florida for a short visit. Here he is with his sister, Aunt Dorothy, and brother, Uncle Ronnie. Can’t deny that they’re family!
My cousin Kathy proudly showed off one of her discounted “Adidas Olympics” shirts, but only just then realized why she got such a bargain on the price (3 for $10--what a steal!).
We went out to dinner, and my cousin Ronnie’s daughter Brianna--affectionately known as “Bella”--got along real well with Zachary and MacKenzie.

It was just a few days before Benjamin’s birthday, so we had the staff sing "Happy Birthday" to him. It took him by surprise...he didn’t know what to think about the group of people singing and bringing him ice cream! I don't think I've ever seen this expression on his face before--priceless!

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