Monday, November 13, 2006

Gradual update #20 -- Winter Wonderland

I know I'm becoming more and more delinquent in my travel posts, but eventually I'll run out of these "update" posts and have to finish my longer, travel posts. Guess that means everyone will have to keep checking back...I'm getting close on the next travel post.

Quote of the day today is from Benjamin. My friend Carie is here TDY for six weeks, and came over for supper tonight. Benjamin started telling us that Santa was going to come visit and leave presents under our tree. When Carie asked him when Santa would be here, he replied, "six-thirty." We all laughed! Not sure how he figures 6:30 is the magical time for Santa's visit, but he was certain that's when to expect the big guy.

Now, on to an update from last December...

It snowed two days after Christmas last year, so the kids were able to make instant use of their sleds from Santa. The downside was that I was on-call, so I couldn't take leave...and actually had to be at work each day. I took these photos during our morning walk (just after dropping off Benjamin at his sitter's) taking Zachary and MacKezie to SAS (Army version of YMCA activities) before heading to work myself. It was very beautiful. Cold, but beautiful.

Of course, they had to traipse through the snow instead of staying on the cleared-off sidewalk. The photo below is of the courtyard area where I work. I used to work in the building to the left, but moved to the operations center a few months back...although I still make daily trips to this building.

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