Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Kid Quote -- “New Numbers”

After explaining to Benjamin that my watch doesn’t have numbers on it (I prefer analog over digital, and the only number is the “12”), he looked at me and commented that I needed to buy new numbers for my watch. Several nights later, as I was tucking him into bed, he looked at my watch and again told me I needed new numbers “all here, here, here,” he said while pointing around my watch face. What a good memory he has!

I guess he's been on a watch theme lately, because he can now count to 12! What an accomplishment!! When I help him into his carseat, he will often make me wait while he counts. In true Benjamin style, he doesn't simply count "1-2-3-go," but instead counts to at least 9...sometimes even counting up to 12 followed by "6, 18, 5, ba-boo-ba" and a slew of silly giggles. He doesn't quite have the same sense of urgency that I usually do when it's time to head out somewhere!

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