Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Gradual update #32 -- More Snow

Benjamin absolutely loves splashing in puddles. He is all boy, so it seems only natural. Fortunately, I convinced him that he could only do so when wearing his boots, which was quite a coup since he really wasn’t interested in wearing them much. But it was well-worth it for him when he discovered this puddle on the way to MacKenzie’s last cheerleading game (in March).

After the game, they all three gladly headed back outside into the freshly falling snow. Naturally, they all took their time walking back to the van as they kicked up snow off the curbs and ran through the bushes.

Benjamin also had approval to drag his feet through the snow and kick the powdery stuff up when he wore his boots. This was a great day for him, and he really took advantage of wearing his boots!

Unfortunately (?), we still haven't had our first real snowfall of this season yet. The five minutes or so of ever-so-faint flurries we saw on Nov. 2 don't count. So, the kids are still waiting for the first good snow of the season so they can run out and enjoy.

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