Saturday, December 09, 2006

Gradual update #31 -- Cheerleading

MacKenzie had been begging me to allow her to join a cheerleading squad last year, so when it came time to sign up, I obliged. I figured it would be a great way to help her feel more comfortable speaking up in front of other people. She had fun cheering, but was still one of the more shy girls out there. This is about as outgoing as she got -- but this was a group jump.

She and Emma were often side-by-side doing their cheers, which helped give her the push she needed to not be shy 100% of the time (yes, they were on the same squad -- there were two uniforms because of the numbers of girls).

However, she enjoyed the breaks between cheers almost more than the cheers themselves...notice that she and Emma are still side-by-side. She's cutting her eyes at me because I'm interupting their conversation!

This was a more typical glimpse at her cheering. This was during a cheer in which she had to cheer solo with the rest of the squad providing supporting encouragement. She was rather quiet, and she would have been just as content if they had passed her by when it was her turn to cheer.

She has decided she doesn’t want to cheer again this year. Instead, she’s asked about karate! We’ll see.


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