Friday, April 13, 2007

Simple Fun

After all the fun we’ve had on previous bowling trips, we decided to make another trek that way...especially since Mom and Dad arrived here at the beginning of a German 4-day weekend (Easter holiday) and many places off-post were closed. Benjamin was most excited about heading to the bowling alley. He was the first one inside and had his shoes off before the rest of us made it to the counter.

Once we started bowling, Benjamin didn’t want to quit. In fact, he stood guard over his ball to make sure it was safely waiting for his next turn and no one else used it.

Benjamin actually had a pretty decent game...thanks to the help of gutter-guards and the contraption that lined his ball up with the pins and provided a little extra speed. When he finished each turn, he hopped on the ball return in excitement.

Nana and Papa even joined in the fun. I remember them bowling in a league when I was in elementary school, but I don’t know that they’ve put that much time into the sport in a while.

MacKenzie started her first several frames without gutter-guards, but after three gutter-balls, she opted for the guards by the fourth frame. Her game improved drastically after that.

Zachary and I were in a dead-heat for the top score until the ninth frame when I pulled ahead. It was quite a fluke since my score was well above my college average (the one and only time I was on a league), and within five points of my all-time high!

I’m glad the kids enjoy such simple entertainment. It’s wonderful, good, clean fun!

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