Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Party Time!

MacKenzie invited several of her friends over for a slumber party to help her celebrate her 9th birthday. We didn’t plan anything spectacular for the evening, but they all seemed to enjoy the pizza, time at the playground, cake & ice cream and movie. Although, I have to admit, I was surprised that two girls didn’t care for chocolate cake (so only ate the icing) and a third didn’t like cake at all! As a result, we had a phenomena of the vanilla ice cream disappearing much more quickly than the chocolate. I never thought that would happen in our household!

I think the hit of the evening, though, was playing flashlight hide-and-seek in MacKenzie’s room...beginning at 11 p.m.! I never imagined that there could be enough hiding places in a single room to keep the game going for nearly two hours, but they managed! And, yes, they didn’t quiet down for sleep until 1 a.m.! Whew!!

Benjamin hung with the girls until they disappeared into MacKenzie’s room for “bed” (aka flashlight hide-and-seek), then quickly conked out when his head hit his pillow. The next day he decided to not take a nap (although to his credit, he stayed in bed for an hour then played quietly in his room for another hour), so crashed much earlier that evening! In fact, he barely saw the end of that evening’s movie, and fell asleep sitting up on the couch holding his new sword. The sword was an appropriate prop since that evening’s movie was “Peter Pan.” I moved him directly from the couch to his bed, and he slept straight through until morning. I guess his little body desperately needed to catch up on the zzz's!

Zachary had returned from his Baden-Powell campout the night before, and was off again this evening for an impromptu sleepover with Hannah’s brother, which worked out well so he wouldn't pester the girls. In another small-world twist, Hunter and Zachary were in the same Tiger Cub den in 1st grade...in Texas! They spent the following day together as well...playing on their Nintendo DS systems. I don’t know how much conversation they had though -- but I suppose that’s the new method of playing together!

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