Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas Explosion!

When I tucked the kids in to bed (or rather their makeshift beds in the living room) on Christmas Eve, I told them they were allowed to wake me up at 7 a.m. However, after trying to stay awake long enough to catch Santa in the act, they all slept late. They didn’t come bounding into my room until just after 8 a.m.!

When they led me into the living room, they quickly dove into their stockings. Benjamin emptied his the quickest -- by holding it upside down! The down side to his emptying technique is that it took him longer to sort through his loot to discover his new treasures.

MacKenzie loved all her new pets. What you can’t see behind her slew of new friends is a new veterinarian smock that she was wearing. Taking care of animals definitely seems to be her one true passion!

Zachary seemed to enjoy his new flight simulator software and was intrigued with figuring out all the different controls on his new flight joystick. He didn’t seem too disappointed that Santa didn’t bring him a Wii, and even commented that this Christmas was his best one ever. I suppose sometimes the best gifts are the ones that surprise you.

Benjamin was ecstatic about every gift he opened, even his was evident when he put on a new fleece jacket as soon as he unwrapped it.

When all was said and done, Christmas once again managed to explode into our living room. It was a wonderful day of excitement and joy, which is still continuing each day as the kids excitedly wear their new clothes and play their new games – often together, which is the true joy of the season.

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