Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Kid Quote of the Day: “Alone Time”

One of the chores Zachary and MacKenzie are entirely responsible for is taking out the trash and recycles, and sometimes Benjamin assists. Tonight, he helped with a small bag of recycles, which meant all three of them headed to the dumpster for a few minutes leaving me alone in the house.

Just before they headed outside, MacKenzie called out, “Mommy, you’re going to have some ‘Alone Time.’” It took me a moment to realize what she said...then I chuckled since my “alone time” was hardly enough to tackle emptying the dishwasher of the clean dishes, loading the dirty dishes, running and folding two loads of laundry, making a strawberry pie that Zachary’s been craving lately and checking quite a bit of homework. She had good intentions, but I don’t think she realizes that the “alone time” I truly crave is time to sit and watch a non-animated or kid-themed movie, read a few chapters in a non-kid-bedtime book or craft a few words to catch up on updating the blog. As much as she thinks “Mommy rocks” lately, those four minutes of “alone time” weren’t enough even for a Super-Mom. Such innocence!

BTW, I managed to empty the dishwasher in those four minutes, and Zachary loaded the dirty dishes from supper tonight before we made the pie. Homework is done (and corrected), although the laundry is still waiting to be folded (at least it's all clean). And as a bonus, we’re all looking forward to a refreshing dessert tomorrow night!

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