Tuesday, September 02, 2008


OK, we live in the country. Well, we live in a relatively new neighborhood not too far away from the country. So, it’s no surprise that we’ve had several small bugs find their way inside our house. The other night, I saw a spider crawl under my armoire just feet away from where I was sitting. However, when I looked for him a few moments later -- with shoe in hand to smash him -- he was gone.

A few nights later, I closed up my laptop to head upstairs for the night, and as I pushed my chair away from the table, this is what I saw underneath. Yes, he was LARGE -- and dead. I am SOOOO glad I had slippers on -- I can only imagine how freaked out I would have been had I stepped on him with bare feet!

You can bet I won’t be going barefoot in the house for a while!


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