Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Her Stage Debut

MacKenzie tried out for a play back in early October, and made the cast. She was “the Innkeeper’s Wife” in the Youth Center’s performance of “Jingle Bells Jury.” The play centered upon the trial of “Jim Dandy” for his lack of Christmas Spirit, and called witnesses to prove that the Christmas Spirit is alive and well.

MacKenzie is sitting with “the Angel on top of the Christmas Tree” before the performance began. Obviously, she is getting good at making faces when she sees me come at her with the camera.

Zachary was camping in Bastogne that weekend, so Benjamin was my sole companion. He didn’t really care about the performance, especially since I let him bring his GameBoy so he’d remain quiet. It worked!

As expected, we couldn’t take photos during the performance, although I did get it on video. MacKenzie’s on the left here as the director thanked one of his assistants after the show.

MacKenzie performed very well, and spoke loudly enough that I could hear her in the back half of the audience. I’d say that she deserved a bouquet of flowers following such a superb performance!

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MacKenzie-I'm so proud of you. It takes a lot of courage to do that. Congratulations on a great performance.
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