Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tinkerbell’s Paper

Before Nana and Papa visited, MacKenzie found instructions on how to make “Tinkerbell’s paper” and wanted to give it a try. It involves gathering leaves (which we had to flatten by getting them wet and allowing them to dry, placed between towels and under some heavy books and boxes) and gluing them between sheets of tissue paper.

MacKenzie was adamant that Nana help her on this project (since Nana has MUCH more craft-experience than I do), and Nana obliged.

They started with placing the leaves on the corners of a sheet of tissue paper, then coating them with watered-down glue and gluing them down. MacKenzie found a good variety of colors and shapes in her leaves, so the paper turned out nice.

The only problem areas were where she had spilt glue on the tissue paper -- it was too much and ended up gluing the paper to the towel beneath (good thing it was an old towel). You can see a few holes in the paper where the glue and towel won out over the paper. She hasn’t decided what to do with the paper now...she can’t really use it to write on (too bumpy), to wrap gifts in (too transparent), or even to use as traditional tissue paper (too stiff!). I suggested taping it to the play room window to give it a neat opaque look. She’s still deciding.

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