Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas Caroling

MacKenzie’s Girl Scout troop decided to sing Christmas Carols at the community center one evening. Only about half of the girls were able to participate (it really is a busy time of year!), but I think they did very well. They knew the tunes to all of the songs, and no one was too shy to stand in front of a room of strangers.

Look closely at the photo above, and you can see that Mackenzie’s holding a candy cane. She’d take licks from it between songs, so by the time their 25-minute performance was over she had green lips and tongue. You can’t tell very well in this close-up, but they match her vest!

Afterward, we walked through the community center lobby, where Benjamin was totally enamored with Santa’s Workshop. Santa wasn’t there that evening, but that didn’t stop Benjamin from inspecting all the displays.

I had to add these photos of Nana with Zachary and MacKenzie with their holiday attire -- candy cane shirt, Santa hats, and huge smiles!

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