Monday, December 22, 2008

Kinder Performance

Benjamin’s Kindergarten class combined with two other classes and put on a “Winter A-B-Cs” performance. It was cute to see how much hard work the 60-or-so 5- and 6-year-olds put into the performance.

They had cute rhymes, dances and comments throughout the performance. Benjamin’s line was for the letter “W:” “Waiting and wondering for wishes and good cheer. We’re so glad that wintertime is here.” He really got into it and spoke loudly when it was his turn.

Toward the end of the performance, he opted to sit for the songs.

As you can see, he was out of costume -- most everyone else was wearing white with dark pants. There were several notices about the program, but the only one that mentioned what to wear came home the day before the performance ... much too late for me to make note of it on our calendar. Oh well.

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