Friday, December 12, 2008

Kid Quote -- Quiet Game

Every now and then, we’ll play the “Quiet Game.” We usually play it when the kids are rambunctious and talkative and I need to get them to settle down a bit ... and usually when we’re driving.

Our rules are that if one of the kids wants to talk they have to raise their hand (or clap if they’re in the back seat or if it’s dark and I can’t see a raised hand). I will then acknowledge one of them at a time, and they’re allowed to make a single comment or ask a single question. A follow-up question requires a follow-up hand-raise or clap. The game often turns into a succession of raised hands and clapping, so they’re not truly “quiet,” but it does force them to wait their turn and not interrupt each other, or to not speak more loudly than each other in an attempt at being heard.

A few nights ago, Benjamin decided he wanted to play the game. MacKenzie was at play practice, so it was just him, Zachary and me. After about five minutes of hand-claps and acknowledgements -- 98% to Benjamin -- this exchange happened:



I like the Quiet

I know you do,



I just don’t like being

Zachary and I rolled our eyes. At least Benjamin’s honest!

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