Sunday, December 07, 2008

Let’s Get to Work

I love when Mom and Dad come for a visit. My dad is the ultimate handy-man, and their first visit after I move to a new house means LOTS of projects for him. The day after Thanksgiving, we went shopping. It wasn’t the traditional American “Black Friday” shopping excursion, but rather a trip to Ikea to find much-needed furniture to help organize the house. For those of you who haven’t been inside European houses, they don’t come with closets. Nope, just four walls per room. The base gives me a few shranks to borrow, but that’s really only enough for our clothes...not for linens, coats or other items.

Our take-aways from Ikea? A larger bookshelf for Zachary (his recent series of books are all Harry Potter-size ones and he wanted to replace the wicker book shelf that our dog ate through as a puppy 14 years ago!), a narrow linen closet, three good-size organizers for the playroom (one for each child) and a wall coat rack. Plenty to keep Dad and the boys busy!

Zachary has assembled previous Ikea purchases for me, so he was ready to help Papa with these new ones. Benjamin didn’t want to be left out, so he studied the directions and stayed close by so he could get in on the least initially.

It’s wonderful that my boys enjoy being helpful and productive. I love it! I equally enjoy that Dad helps out...when I have ample projects to keep him busy, he’s a happy man. I’d say that’s a win-win situation for everyone!

Photos of the final results will appear later.

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I love it when your parents visit. I'm starting my Papa list already.
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