Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree!

All of the local Boy Scouts use the Christmas season as an opportunity to serve the community and raise a little money in the process -- by selling Christmas trees! Each troop takes shifts selling red spruce, white spruce, blue spruce, coastal fir and silver fir trees on base. Since Nana and Papa were here, and the troop needed adults to help keep an eye on the sales, Zachary took Papa with him for his shift over Thanksgiving weekend. Yes, Papa was forewarned so he had warm clothes and shoes to wear while standing outside for three hours.

Zachary held up one of the more popular varieties -- a coastal fir -- for customers to look at to make their decision.

Once the trees were ready to leave the lot, the scouts shoved them through a narrow tunnel to wrap them in netting to make them easier to transport. The nice, full trees became long and lean after the tunnel and netting.

Zachary seemed eager to help customers cart their purchases to their vehicles. This man opted to take it himself, so Zachary handed over the netted tree.

The next customers took Zachary up on his offer, and allowed him to carry their blue spruce to their car. After making sure their tree was safely secured, Zachary and Papa were off shift and headed home to warm up!

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