Thursday, May 28, 2009

First Tooth -- GONE!

Benjamin has had a loose tooth for a while now. For several months, in fact. However, it’s taken a while for it to become loose enough to actually come out. When he woke up Wednesday morning, it had suddenly become loose enough to be ready. Seemingly overnight, his tooth could now wiggle forward at a 90-degree angle! It could also wiggle side-to-side. It was so loose that I was worried Benjamin might inadvertently swallow the tooth during lunch or snack, but he wouldn’t let me try to pull it. He told me that he wanted it to fall out during school because “there’s a nurse at school.” I chuckled at his logic ... and wrote a note to his teacher about the extreme looseness of his tooth.

When I picked him up at the end of the day, I asked him to smile at me so I could assess whether he still had the tooth in his mouth. Yup, it was still there. He had swim lessons, and I silently hoped that he wouldn’t get bumped and lose it while in the pool. My fears were unfounded, and after his lessons we went to the library to pick up Zachary and MacKenzie.

While I helped MacKenzie request an inter-library loan on the computer, Benjamin calmly walked around the circulation desk wiggling his tooth. He then walked up to me and calmly told me he’d pulled his tooth. I wasn’t quite sure whether I should believe him, so asked him to smile at me. Sure enough, he was gap-toothed and bleeding slightly where the tooth had been just moments before.

When we got home, Zachary and MacKenzie showed him the pewter hippo and tooth pillow for him to choose which he wanted to use to leave the tooth for the Tooth Fairy. He chose the pewter hippo. I told him that I needed a photo of him holding his tooth and showing off his new smile, to which he told me that he didn’t want to since his tooth would soon be gone (exactly my reasoning for wanting to take the photo!). Fortunately, he humored me and allowed me to take his photo WITH the tooth. Since he didn’t want to hold it, he opted to set it atop the hippo’s snout. I think that was a fair compromise.

And, yes, the Tooth Fairy brought him two new quarters in exchange for his tooth. He was excited!

As an interesting note, he cut his first tooth at an earlier age than Zachary and MacKenzie (7 months vs 9 months and 12 months + 2 days), and has now lost his first tooth at an earlier age as well (11 months before Zachary, and 4 months before MacKenzie). Hmmm, what does this say about when I should expect him to meet other maturation milestones!?!!

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