Sunday, October 25, 2009

Eating with T-Rex

When we arrived at Disney World, we headed toward the T-Rex restaurant at Downtown Disney and had a wonderful prehistoric dining experience. At first, Benjamin wasn’t sure what to think of all the action going on around us.

MacKenzie ordered a large slushy that came in a hollowed-out dinosaur bone.

Every 10 minutes or so a meteor shower hit, and the decibel level really grew when the dinosaurs roared in response! Benjamin was nervous during the first few showers, but then was very attentive. MacKenzie cuddled with Nana as she watched the action.

Zachary graciously agreed to pose with a stegosaurus that was near our table.

Benjamin didn’t want his photo next to the stegosaurus -- until he saw that Zachary cooperated. Then he eagerly agreed to pose.

This unfortunate dinosaur’s skeleton was frozen into the ice!

Nana and Papa enjoyed the experience. Look at those large sea creatures behind them!

The kiddos seemed to enjoy the Thorn Bug -- I don’t think I would have liked to meet him for real!

Benjamin was cautious as we walked through the restaurant meeting the different dinosaurs.

The Wooly Mammoth was guarding the ice age area.

After dinner, Zachary and Benjamin enjoyed the view overlooking the lake.

Yes, Benjamin was getting tired, but it still does my heart good to see how well he and Zachary get along at times.

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What a cool place! I'm so glad you guys got to eat here.
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