Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Falls from the Observation Platform

Niagara Falls State Park is a great place to relax and spend the day, especially when the weather is nice.

This shot was taken from the observation platform while en route to our Maid of the Mist boat tour. What a breathtaking views of the American Falls and Horseshoe Falls from a bird’s eye vantage point. This shot captures it all -- the two larger falls and the skyline on the Canadian side of the border.

This is the Friendship Bridge, connecting the U.S. and Canada. It’s hard to fathom that Horseshoe Falls was not always located at Table Rock Point, where it is today. In fact, it moved seven miles from its original position near the present-day village of Queenston -- further down the Niagara River.

Before heading up to the observation platform after our boat tour, we ventured a little closer to the American Falls. There was lots of moss on the path from the moisture, so we had to be careful of our footing.

We didn’t have any new raincoats, but didn’t need them much here.

These rocks are known as talus. They have been breaking off and piling up beneath the falls for more than 900 years. There’s not enough water from the falls to erode them away, so someday the rocks are expected to reach the top, forming steep rapids instead of falls.

Benjamin is my little climber, and eagerly climbed this rock along the path leading to the side of the American Falls. Fortunately it was far enough away from the falls so it wasn’t wet and slippery. He still makes me nervous though.

He couldn’t pass up another climbing opportunity -- this time with the Friendship Bridge behind him.

Once he climbed down from the rocks, we went back up to the observation platform. You can see glimpses of all three falls between the railings. I think Benjamin enjoyed the view -- he stayed along the railings quite a bit

I couldn’t pass up getting a photo of me at the falls.

All three kiddos with the Horseshoe Falls behind them (and a glimpse of the American Falls over Zachary’s shoulder).

After coming down from the observation platform, we met up with Nana and Papa and headed toward Green Island and Terrapin Point. Of course, my two favorite girls had to stop beside the American Falls for a photo.

Another view showing the force of the falls -- the American Falls in the foreground and the mist from Horseshoe Falls further back

Yeah! Four smiling Cooks!

These are the rapids between the mainland and Green Island with the water flowing toward the American Falls. Zachary ooh’ed and awed over the rapids, especially since he had just completed two white water rafting excursions with his Boy Scout troop. The 1.5-acre island was once known as Bath Island for the bathhouse that used to be located there, which included showering baths, as well as warm and cold baths from the rushing waters of the rapids.” The baths were world-famous since many people believed the limestone minerals in the water would cure their physical ailments. The island also once had a paper mill run by the Niagara Falls Paper manufacturing Company.

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