Saturday, April 22, 2006

Ava Christine is here!

After learning this past August that my cousin Hannah was expecting her first child, we have all been anxiously awaiting the newest addition to the family. After a slight delay of the news getting to me (I'll need to remind my dad of which email account I regularly use vs my "junk" account that I only check every two to three months!), I finally learned the details after playing phone tag with my mom.

Ava Christine Murray was born Thursday evening at 5:16 to Hannah and Kelly Murray. She weighed 6 lbs, 15 oz, was about 20" long and has "long dark hair." Mom and baby are both doing fine...and all 17 (at least) people in the waiting room were excited to greet her. As I understand it, everyone's now fighting over when they get their own turn to hold her! Being the first grandchild on both sides of the family, that's to be expected. Guess I'll have to wait until July for my turn since Germany is soooo far away from South Georgia!

No photo yet...waiting for my Aunt Gail to send some out.

Next new addition should arrive in September when Hannah's sister Lealane and her husband Brian are expecting their first.


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