Thursday, May 11, 2006

Benjamin's New Sign

We're all doing well and trying to figure out what the weather's trying to do here. Zachary and I have lingering coughs, but other than that we seem to be faring well. Benjamin hit his head at the playground Sunday night--he got quite the shiner from the ball size knot on his forehead, a bruise on his eyelid and a bloody nose. But, he's no worse for wear and still up to his usual antics. He's making tremendous progress with his speech, so surprised me when he used a new sign a couple days ago.

Yep, "I love you!" He gets a big grin on his face when I repeat it back to him and give him a hug...and I can't blame him at all! The first time he did it, I will admit that my eyes started getting a little misty. Kinda reminded me of the first time MacKenzie said "I love you" unprompted. You can definitely see his bruises in this photo though!

I leave in the morning for the Berlin Air Show. MacKenzie's very sad that I'm going to be gone again. This time seems worse because it's for a longer time AND I'm missing Mother's Day. She had to make sure I received her gifts before I left, so presented me with a decent-size stack of handmade cards and pictures along with a nicely painted terra cotta pot. She obviously put a lot of work into my gifts because they were all absolutely wonderful and beautiful!

It should be interesting be in Berlin...hopefully I'll have a little time off to see around the city. An interesting side note is that one of the writers who worked for me at Airman magazine (currently at USAFE/PA) will also be there. Looks like we'll have a mini Airman reunion in Berlin for the next 10 days!

Not sure what kind of connectivity I'll have to update the blog while there, but I'm sure I'll have some interesting (airplane) photos to share when I return. Until next time...keep checking the site and keep commenting.


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