Sunday, April 30, 2006

Scrambled Eggs & S'Mores

Well, I survived my second trip to Iceland in as many months. It's definitely interesting to sit in a room with ambassadors, government ministers and advisors, and top DOD/State people! I was hoping to have a little free time during this visit, but alas, it wasn't to be this time either. C'est la vie. But, I did manage to get a few photos of Icelandic outdoor "art." Apparently the rock structures once were used to mark the walking routes between towns, but now are used to either mark where off-road vehicles are allowed to drive in the lava fields...or as local art. The last photo is of a "family" just outside the NAS Keflavik gate.

I returned late Friday afternoon, and was able to pick up MacKenzie and Benjamin that night (Zachary was on a two-night Webeloes campout, so I didn't see him until this morning when I went out to the campsite to gather him and his stuff). They were both glad to see me, and while they enjoyed staying with the Stonemarks, they were glad to head home. Unfortunately, within two hours of getting home, Benjamin was sick...and not just the simple not feeling well sick. I changed sheets and laid towels over his clean sheets and on the floor in his room so I wouldn't have quite as much laundry to do in the morning. But, with six rounds over six hours, there was still quite a bit! The good news is he's feeling better now and has a portion of his appetite back. But, I sure was tired yesterday!

Last night, MacKenzie also had a scouting campout. Hers wasn't a true campout, but rather an indoor sleepover at the Scout Hut. They went for a nature walk--including Snipe Hunting--and stayed up late, so naturally she had a blast! When the boys and I arrived to pick her up this morning (Zachary smelling quite strongly of campfire, mind you), she and her troop were just finishing up breakfast. The scrambled eggs were gone, and they were still working on the S'Mores. What a breakfast! The photo below is proof that she and her best friend Emma enjoyed the morning menu!!
Back to Zachary: He worked on whittling four walking sticks this weekend...because the first three broke, and even earned another Polar Bear patch. He earned his first one in San Antonio a couple years ago, of all places, and now earned his second in spring--the last day of April! I was surprised he didn't earn it during his October campout...that one was definitely cold!! He's about to run out of room on his Cub Scout vest for all his patches, but I suppose that's good because it means he's been busy enjoying scouting.

MacKenzie's troop sleepover was her last scouting event with her troop for the year since her troop leader is moving back to the states in a couple weeks. So, MacKenzie's already pulled out her Try-It book so she can work on earning more patches. She received her five new ones for this past year, and completed another one tonight. She's almost done with a second one!! Kinda reminds me of this past summer when she had Nana and Grandma working with her almost constantly on nine Try-Its! At least she enjoys it...although she told me she wants to earn all of the rest of them in the book this summer (24 down, 32 to go!). Talk about a slave-driver!!

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