Saturday, May 06, 2006

Spring Has Sprung!!

When I left for Iceland a week and a half ago, Germany was only just beginning to show the initial indications of spring. But, when I got off the plane last Friday, I noticed everything was in full bloom and vibrant color. Spring had sprung during the mere four days I was away.

Everything is alive with color. The trees and bushes have sprouted their green foliage. The flowers are in full bloom. Spring has arrived!
As has become my annual tradition, I grabbed my camera and took the kids out for photos with the spring flowers yesterday evening.
This photo session was limited to the flower beds on post...but it just goes to show that the Germans really know how to do flowers. We didn’t have any problem at all finding spots to pose for photos!I really need to take the kids out to some of the local flower fields where they can be completely surrounded by Mother Nature's marvelous paint schemes. I'm sure MacKenzie would enjoy finding a tulip or sunflower field and bringing a bouquet home to brighten up our kitchen table.
Of course, Benjamin was marching to his own tune and simply enjoying being outside. He spent a few moments playing on the Berlin Wall,

squishing ants,walking and balancing on the curbs,

jumping from stripe to stripe in the crosswalks,and protesting when it was time to go inside (for ice cream) instead of heading to the “big park” to play.

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those pictures of the flowers are just wonderful. Sure is a big change in scenery since Easter. The kids looked as though they were enjoying this excursion!
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