Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Gradual update #3 -- Campout

Well, I'm back from Berlin but haven't had a chance to sort through the plethra of photos I took while that update will have to wait until the weekend. In lieu of that, here's another gradual update from the fall. Enjoy!

We were barely here a month when Zachary’s Cub Scout pack had its fall campout. He spent two nights out in the wilderness, while MacKenzie, Benjamin and I joined him for the second night. It was cold out there, to say the least. We actually woke up to ice outside our tent, but no one said anything about earning a Polar Bear patch for camping out at below-freezing temps (which, believe it or not, Zachary actually earned two years ago while in San Antonio!), so I don't know what the temps officially dropped to. Zachary was real excited about taking us for a short hike through the woods, down a steep hill (a little difficult for Benjamin to navigate) and across a stream to show us a neat 18th-century trench system. A lot of it had been overgrown, and some of the trenches were pretty narrow, but it was definitely interesting. Good thing we brought a flashlight so we could follow some of the enclosed paths!

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