Thursday, November 23, 2006

Birthday Boy

OK, so I’m a couple days late getting Zachary’s birthday pictures post loaded, and we’re in the waning hours of Thanksgiving to boot, so I figure this update is due.
It’s hard to believe that Zachary is now 11. It seems like just yesterday when I first held him in my arms, with his bottom lip quivering as he cried. My, how time flies! He wanted a bowling party this year, so we packed up and headed to the local bowling alley where several of his friends joined him for the festivities. Fortunately, it didn’t bother him when two of his friends showed up with their own balls and a third started talking about his previous bowling league! They all had a blast, especially Zachary--who commented that this was his best birthday party ever.Benjamin absolutely loves bowling so was almost totally oblivious to the fact that it was Zachary's birthday party (until we brought out the cake, ice cream and presents), and was excited as long as his ball knocked down at least one pin with each throw...which happens most times when playing with the gutter guards. After each turn, he’d hop on the front of the ball return to share his excitement. He also enjoys chocolate cake and ice cream...and did his best trying to clean up when he was done (although he needed a little help with this sticky, chocolate mess).

As for Thanksgiving, we had planned on heading to the Frankfurt Christmas Market today (opening day), and had even enjoyed our Thanksgiving meal last night. But, when we checked the weather forecast this morning, we changed our minds: 80% chance of rain. We decided not to be miserable walking outside all day in the rain. It didn’t rain here, but the weather stats indicate that we made a wise choice since it rained off and on all day in Frankfurt. I’m sure we’ll get to a Christmas market before Mom & Dad leave.

But all wasn't lost--we still got some Christmas shopping the local mall (felt kinda odd shopping on Thanksgiving day, but the Germans don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, so it made perfect sense!), before heading out to a wonderful little gasthaus for supper--schnitzels, spaetzle, traditional German potato salad, seasoned mushrooms and pancake soup. Definitely not the customary Thanksgiving fare, but everything was absolutely delicious nonetheless!

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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