Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Gradual update #21 -- Zachary Sledding

It snowed just after Christmas last year, which gave the kids a perfect opportunity to try out the new sleds Santa brought them. An added bonus was that our "front yard" is a fairly steep hill...which provided ample space for sledding fun while allowing me to watch from the comforts (read: WARM comforts) of our front windows. The only catch was that the bottom of the hill stopped at the sidewalk, which is only a couple feet from the front of the building. Not much room to stop if you've gained too much speed, but they managed to stop without sledding into the building. Zachary really enjoyed sledding, and started from the top of the hill each time (rather than starting from the ledge/walkway in the middle of the hill). I think he would have stayed out there until his toes were numb if I had let him!I love this action shot of Zachary sliding down the hill, snow flying all around him, and a huge grin on his face. Hopefully the snow this year is at least as good, if not better, than what we had last year. My philosophy is that you need good snow to make up for the bitter cold temps otherwise winter becomes absolutely miserable.


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